Sunday 10 August 2008

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah...'s amazing what you can sort out while you are avoiding something that you don't want to do - namely, ripping out part of a sleeve for the brand new baby kimono coat project.

I got stuck on this project. I did not like what I had done. So it has been hibernating for over a year. However, the problem has been resolved, the item finshed and its ends sewn in.

I could almost do a dance of joy, right about now. It's in the sink. It will be blocked to within an inch of its existence, then it will be gifted, well over a year late, to my sister.

A very belated birthday present. I hope that she likes it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that color! It's almost exactly the same as a scarf I just finished, although my crapola cam couldn't capture the hue correctly. Can't wait to see the final product.